PTA Newsletter

PTA Constitution

Sheung Shui Government Secondary School Parent-Teacher Association


1. Name of the Association

    The  name of the Association shall be Sheung Shui Government Secondary School Parent-Teacher Association and is a      non-profit organization.


  1. Correspondence Address: Sheung Shui Government Secondary School, 21 Pak Wo Road, Sheung Shui


  1. Objectives:


(1) To strengthen the close liaison and promote the friendship of parents through different types of activities.


(2) To forge close home-school contacts between the school and parents.


(3) To support the School for further developing the quality education.


(4) To strengthen the relationship between parent and children through various activities.


(5) To provide resource for improving the welfare of students.


  1. Membership:

4.1 Eligibility

(a) The following persons shall automatically become members of the Association :

(i)  Parents of each student of the School ("Ordinary Members");

(ii) The serving Principal and teachers of the school ("Ex-officio Members”);

(iii) The Association may also invite or appoint any persons : former chairperson , vice-chairperson of the Association,              former Principals, former vice-principals as Honorary Members.


4.2 Rights:

Ordinary and Ex-officio Members shall have the right to propose and vote in meetings which they are entitled to attend, and to elect and to be elected as the members of PTA Executive Committee. Honorary members shall have the right to propose, elect and vote, but shall not have the right to be elected as the members of PTA Committee.


4.3 Obligations:


Ordinary Members shall abide by the Constitution and the resolutions of the meetings. Ordinary Members shall pay the membership fee annually. Each family is only required to pay one membership fee. The Ex-officio Members shall not be required to pay the annual membership fee. The membership fee is determined by the PTA Committee each year. If a member withdraws from the Association, the membership fee previously paid shall not be refunded.



5. Organization:

5.1 Members' General Meeting is the highest authority of the Association. The Meeting shall consist of all the Members.          The PTA Committee is the highest executive organization. It shall conduct a Member'  General Meeting annually. The

      affairs of the Association shall be carried out by PTA Committee.


5.2 The business of the Association shall be managed by a Committee of no more than 22 members, consisting of 8-15 

      parents members (elected by the Members' General Meeting), 7 teaching staff members (Principal and Vice-principals

      are Ex-officio Committee members, teaching staff members can be appointed by the current Principal or elected                amongst the serving teachers of the School.) Teaching staff members cannot hold the following positions (a)-(d).

5.3 Parent Members of the PTA Committee shall elect, amongst themselves, fill the following offices.

  1.  One Chairperson (shall be acted by a parent)                                                                                                                     The Chairperson is the highest executive person who shall be responsible for convening and holding Members’   General Meeting, PTA Committee Meeting and Members'  Extraordinary General Meeting, as well as processing all the   related affairs.
  1. Two Vice-chairpersons (shall be acted by 2 parents)

    The Vice-chairpersons shall assist the Chairperson to implement all the business and take the place of Chairperson to

    act during the absence of the Chairperson.

  1. One Secretary (shall be acted by a parent )

    The Secretaries shall be responsible for dealing with all the internal and external correspondence and documents and 


  1. One Treasurer (shall be acted by a parent )

    The Treasurer shall be responsible for dealing with all the related financial matters including completing and submitting

    the balance sheet and account to Honorary Auditor prior to the Members’General Meeting for audit purpose.

5.4 Except for the ex-officio members, the term for a Parent Committee Member shall be two years commencing from

      being elected at Members’ General Meeting till the next Committee formed. Parent Committee Members can be re-

      elected for a subsequent term.


5.5  In the event of any vacancies, a parent member shall be appointed to be the PTA Committee Member.

5.6  The quorum for all General Meetings shall be 5% of the total number of members or 50 persons, whichever is less.

       A resolution shall be passed if more than 50% of the members present at the General Meeting vote in favour of it.

       During the voting, if the number of votes are equally divided, the chairperson shall give a casting vote.

5.7  If twenty or more members jointly propose any motion, the PTA Committee shall convene an Extraordinary General

       Meeting. The letter of notice for convening the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be delivered to each member of

       the Association at least 1 week prior to the meeting. The PTA Committee shall also convene Extraordinary General

       Meetings if needed.

5.8 The work of the PTA committee is voluntary and no remuneration can be drawn.


6. Finance:

6.1 The funds of the Association may be used for any purpose approved by the PTA Committee, relating to the general

      operation of the Association or in line with the aim and objectives of the Association.

6.2 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the membership fees, keeping accurate records of the financial transactions of

      the Association. Funds of the Association shall be lodged in a bank in the name of the Association. Cheques shall be

      drawn or withdrawals made against the signatures of two among the three named Committee members. (the

      Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer).

6.3 The PTA committee has the right to utilize the Association's funds for various purposes, including donating to the

      school for scholarships, prizes, and other school-related matters. All expenditure shall require approval by the PTA


6.4  A voluntary auditor shall be elected by the General Meeting. He/she shall be responsible for auditing the accounts

      of the Association at least once a year.


7. Amendment of the Constitution

7.1 Any amendment of the Constitution shall be passed by more than half of the members present at the General


7.2 In the event of dissolution of the Association, the relevant decision of dissolution shall be agreed upon by at least

      two-thirds of the parent members present at the General Meeting.


*The English version is for reference only. Should there be any conflict between this English version of the constitution with the Chinese version of the constitution, the latter shall prevail.